About Us

The Global Grid Forum (GGF) is a community-initiated forum of 5000+ individual marketers, coders, and practitioners working on distributed computing, or “grid” technologies.  GGF’s primary objective is to promote and support the development, deployment, and implementation of Grid technologies and applications via the creation and documentation of “best practices” – technical specifications, user experiences, and implementation guidelines.

Impact of GGF and Grid Technologies
GGF efforts are also aimed at the development of a broadly based Integrated Grid Architecture that can serve to guide the research, development, and deployment activities of the emerging Grid communities. Defining such an architecture will advance the Grid agenda through the broad deployment and adoption of fundamental basic services and by sharing code among different applications with common requirements.

Wide-area distributed computing, or “grid” technologies, provide the foundation to a number of large-scale efforts utilizing the global Internet to build distributed computing and communications infrastructures. As common Grid services and interoperable components emerge, the difficulty in undertaking these large-scale efforts will be greatly reduced and, as importantly, the resulting systems will better support interoperation.

GGF Mission

To promote and support the development, deployment, and implementation of Grid technologies and applications via the creation and documentation of “best practices” – technical specifications, user experiences, and implementation guidelines.

GGF Goals

  • To facilitate and support the creation and development of regional and global computational grids that will provide to the scientific community, industry, government and the public at large dependable, consistent, pervasive and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities

  • To address architecture, infrastructure, standards and other technical requirements for computational grids and to facilitate and find solutions to obstacles inhibiting the creation of these grids

  • To educate the scientific community, industry, government and the public regarding the technologies involved in, and potential uses and benefits of, computational grids

  • To facilitate the application of grid technologies within educational, research, governmental, healthcare and other industries

  • To provide a forum for exploration of computational grid technologies, applications and opportunities, and to stimulate collaboration among the scientific community, industry, government and the public regarding the creation, development and use of computational grids and,

  • To exercise all powers conferred upon corporations formed under the Illinois General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act in order to accomplish its charitable, scientific and educational purposes and to take other actions necessary, advisable or convenient to carry out any or all of these purposes.

Who Participates in GGF? 
GGF participants come from over 400 organizations in over 50 countries